Tuesday 18 August 2009

The conspiracy of fat and sugar

Andrew Drenowski is an American scientist studying why we are all getting so much fatter than we were just 30 years ago.

He shows that it is the wicked conspiracy of fat and sugar that is the culprit - the blame swithering between the two from decade to decade. His work shows that energy-rich foods, food with lots of calories to the ounce, have become cheap, convenient and good-tasting (developed by other clever scientists in the food industry). Energy dense foods cost less per calorie than do nutrient dense foods. It is this low cost of high calorie, great-tasting manufactured food that is causing the overall increase in weight of the population as a whole, and individuals too.

You might have seen the film "Supersize me". The star complained that he felt the burgers he was eating gave him an initial shot of intense pleasure, but didn't make him feel full or satisfied, but rather made him want more.Fatty, sugary foods trigger the pleasure receptors in our brains, in a similar way to recreational drugs.

It is not just the burger chains though. I once read the ingredients on boned leg of lamb for sale from a famous upmarket UK store. It read 84% meat. What was the other 16% for goodness' sake?

If you are in or near Glasgow and want to lose weight, try to make a few small changes every week. To help you, try hypnotherapy with me.


1 comment:

Barry Cridland said...

I have found these posts really interesting, look forward to the next one, thanks.