Wednesday 5 August 2009

How does hypnosis help weight loss

Following a discussion of your concerns, the therapist will check out with you a series of immediate goals. This might be to eat at a table rather than in front of the telly, to use smaller plates, or to cook more at home. Once these goals are clear, the hypnosis begins. In a deep state of hypnosis, these goals will be proposed to you as suggestions.

The hypnotic state (which is very pleasant!) makes you very suggestible. While you retain full control and awareness of what is going on, you are highly sensitive to positive suggestions. Away from the therapy room, you will find yourself reminded of these goals and before picking up the phone to order a takeaway, you will stop and think. That gives you enough time to reconsider your order, or decide to go ahead anyway. That little voice remains with you though - always at the back of your mind.

As a hypnotherapist I have so often given the suggestion "You can leave food on the plate" that I can now do it. I was brought up to clean my plate and breaking out of this habit has taken time. Hypnosis made it easier, and now after many years of being a good girl and cleaning my plate, I can now leave a plate half-eaten. It means I can enjoy the taste of the occasional cooked breakfast, without the guilt of eating too much fatty food.

If you are in or near Glasgow and want to lose weight, try to make a few small changes every week. To help you, try hypnotherapy with me.

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