Tuesday 27 October 2009

Body makeovers on the telly

I was watching Gok on the telly the other day. He is just great. Maybe because he was once fat himself. But what I really like about him is that he accepts his women as they are. He knows we come in all shapes and sizes, and helps his women to not only come to terms with the reality, but to feel really good. This must be the goal. It is always very interesting to learn about the range of undergarments available for special occasions. Certainly a well-fitting bra makes all the difference.

Trinny and Susannah were always extolling the virtues of concrete knickers, and eventually, they became easy to find. They too accepted us lumps, bumps and wrinkles, and helped us to understand what clothes suit what shapes, rather than requiring us to fit the clothes. So I like them too.

But I am not so sure about Look Ten Years Younger, even though Nicky has wonderful specs. She has some good messages, but I feel they are lost because she goes for cosmetic surgery. This causes in my view 2 problems.

1. All my problems will be solved if I have cosmetic surgery.
2. I don't have to do anything myself, the surgeon will take over responsibility.

Getting thin will not make us happier. Learning to be happy as we are, lumps and bumps and all, might mean we could be happy when we are thinner. But just being thin does not make us happy. We still have the same problems after the knife. We cannot leave the responsibility for feeling good about ourselves to other people.

But Nicky does talk sense about getting our hair looking nice and generally taking care.


1 comment:

Doctor FTSE said...

Deux questions.

I calculated my BM! on your cute little BMI calculator.
It gave me 27.4 What should it be?

What on earth are "concrete knickers"? To a novitiate in Losing Weight, the concept blows the mind. Bet they don't stock 'em in Marks and Spencer.

Very best wishes . . .

P.S I used to live in Glasgow . . .