Wednesday 7 October 2009

Why are the French so slim?

French people are really keen on food (so am I!) and they spend 135 minutes a day eating. In Britain, its about 85 minutes, and in the USA about 75 minutes. This is from an OECD report. And yet the French are generally of healthy proportions. What is going on here?

Well, the French still eat at the table, and they concentrate on their food while they are eating. They talk about it with their dinner companions. They eat in a slow and calm way, taking their time. As a result, they are aware of when they are feeling full. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that your stomach is happy with its meal. Then they stop eating, and continue with the conversation.

The British and Americans are spending less time eating, but managing to munch many more calories in this shorter time. Britain and the USA are in the top 3 overweight nations. Americans eat in front of the telly, and the trigger to stop eating is when the show is over.

To help you manage your own eating, work out what it is that triggers you to stop eating.

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