Wednesday 2 December 2009

Why should I exercise?

Exercise makes you feel better. For some, thrashing away at a gym for 2 hours is just the ticket. For others, gardening or walking to the shops suits, and others still enjoy dancing. Whatever you choose, it should be something that you enjoy doing and can fit it into your day without a great struggle. The natural response of your body to exercise is a desire to eat, so it is good to do it before a regular meal.

As I mentioned in my blog of.29 November 2009 exercise won't make you thin, unless you are really going at it, like an Olympic athlete. However, it will protect your health. Start with a bit of exercise, and then see if you can do more. Don't set yourself such high targets that you give up early.

Here are a list of benefits!
  • Lovely supple joints for your old age
  • Less stress
  • Less risk of dementia in your old age
  • A smaller waistline and thus less risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease (Coronary heart disease mortality is higher in Scotland than in the rest of the UK. The premature death rate for men living in Scotland is 50% higher than in the South West of England, and around 90% higher for women.)
  • Less risk of insulin resistance and overproduction, which lead to diabetes or obesity with high cholesterol and heart disease)
  • Less osteoporosis - weight bearing exercise such as running, dancing, skipping, rather than swimming

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