Monday 4 January 2010

How to eat less with less effort

Most of us eat what is put in front of us, no matter what it tastes like. We all joke about airline food but we all eat it up.

Knowing this can help you reduce your eating and when the goal is to lose weight, there is really no option other than eating less. Most of us know that we are eating too much. Like it or not, the answer is to eat less. But we don't want to have to think about it. The goal is to find a way of eating less with as little effort as possible.

So to help you to eat less, without having to think about it, use smaller plates and bowls. Our brains respond to the amount of the plate covered by food. When the plate looks full, we feel positive. When the plate looks a bit empty, we think it is a bit stingy. Take a look at this website for more information about this useful illusion.

Does this seem too obvious? If so, then perhaps you should give it a try! Making a number of small changes, little and often, is the easiest way to change your eating behaviour for the long-term. And to lose weight, you need to change your eating behaviour.

This is where you will find hypnosis helps. It embeds these changes into your subconscious, making it easier and easier. If you are in or near Glasgow and want to lose weight, try to make a few small changes every week. To help you, try hypnotherapy with me.

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