Monday 25 January 2010

How much are you are eating - really?

When you ask someone what they ate over the last 2 days, they will tell you what they had for each of the 3 formal meals.

They will not mention the automatic eating or mindless munching that takes place outwith a formal meal. But this is the stuff that piles on the weight for most of us.

We only have a limited amount of willpower. Use it to limit your access to the foods eaten outside of mealtimes. This trend to constant munching is pretty new. I remember a sweet advertised many moons ago as one "you can eat between meals without spoiling your appetite". Now we are encouraged to eat as a displacement activity, when there is nothing else to do. In the past we might have had hobbies, or spent time with our friends going to the pictures or for a walk. Now we go and eat. What are your outside of mealtimes eating habits?

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