Sunday 17 January 2010

Eating slowly helps you control what you eat

If you eat quickly, you are at risk of becoming very overweight. If you eat until you are full, you are also at risk of becoming very overweight. And if you eat fast until you are full, you are at greater risk of becoming overweight.

This research was carried out by Japanese scientists Hiroyasu Iso and colleagues from Osaka University in a paper published in the British Medical Journal. They found links between BMI and the way people were eating. In Japan, where overweight is a new problem, typically people ate till they felt they were 80% full, so that probably helped keep their weight down. It is really only since the arrival of American style fast food that overweight has become an issue.

So, to avoid the risk of overweight or to control any further increase in your weight:

eat slowly
stop when your plate is 80% cleared and then push it away from you.

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